- Sold our home
- Bought a new home
- Moved and got settled into our new home
- Addison turned 1 (thank you Jesus for our precious, precious sweet girl who brings pure joy to our lives)
- Chasing a 1 year old who has mastered walking, unscrewing bottles and lids, climbing stairs and pretty much just keeping me on my toes. I now see why people don't gain as much weight during the second pregnancy!
- Rodnee, our furbaby miniature dachshund got paralyzed due to a back injury and we had to put him to sleep. This was totally devastating to our family.
- Found out we are having another baby girl!
- Planning Addison's 1st birthday party, which will be this Sunday (a month late but she will never know)
- I am working 20-25 hours a week for my contract employer
- Brian's business is doing great!
- Volunteered at VBS the entire week after moving into our home.
Lots of stuff going on, but that is our life and I would not trade it for the world! I will elaborate on everything in the next few weeks, just wanted to say hi!