Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 20, 2011

McKenna's First Bath

We gave McKenna her first sponge bath a few days after we got home. Brian took care of washing the body, I took care of the hair.
She was not a happy camper, I think she got cold even with it being 78 degrees in the bathroom.
Much better...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Christmas Traditions

Over the past few months Brian and I have been discussing what traditions we want to start as a family. The most important goal being keeping Christ in CHRISTMAS because He after all is the reason for the season. We decided that Christmas Eve would be the day we celebrate Jesus' birthday. Some of the traditions are baking a Happy Birthday Jesus cake and have the kids decorate it, going to Church as a family, eating Chicken a la King and reading the true Christmas story before bed. So this year we did just that! Scroll down to the bottom for a cute video.
We used simple icing and sprinkles for the cake this year...
Brian did most of the icing... Addison watched intensely and stuck her finger in the cake when she could...
mmmm licking the spatula...
Daddy putting the sprinkles on the cake... Addison eating the ones that fell on the table...
Finished product with Addison reaching for the cake... see a common theme here? Needless to say Addison had a huge sugar rush after the cake was complete!
Family picture before going to Church and the last picture of me pregnant :)...
Brian reading Addison the Christmas Story...
Addison reading Brian the Christmas Story...
Video of Addison reading to Brian...

Next Christmas will be extra busy and fun celebrating our Christmas traditions as a family of 4, spending time with our families and celebrating McKenna's birthday.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2 Week Well Check

This morning I took McKenna to her two week well check and I am happy to say she is thriving and doing great! Here are her stats:
Weight: 8lbs, 2.1 Ounces (50th Percentile) Height: 20 Inches (50th Percentile) Head: 36.75cm (80th Percentile) I am glad her body is catching up with her big head, haha. Her head looks normal until you try to put a hat on it. I am in love with her full head of brown hair, I am pretty sad it most likely fall out. You can see the blonde, which is what I think her hair color will be if you look closely. So, how are we doing??? Here is a quick update on our precious family of 4. McKenna is a good baby. I have her feeding every three hours during the day and do not wake her at night to eat. I also give her a formula bottle ever day or so. She sleeps in a pack-n-play outside our room and seems to be content. Eat, sleep, poop is her motto right now. I have been doing tummy time with her since we brought her home from the hospital and her neck is getting very strong. She sleeps swaddled, but enjoys time on the play mat to swing her arms and kick her legs. She grabbed her first toy on the play mat today! The newborn stage, while quite boring at times, it very delightful! It is so nice having one kid who stays were you put them! Addison LOVES her "Baby Doll", she has been so helpful in getting me blankets, bouncing Mckenna in her bouncer and loving on her. She also give McKenna a ton of kisses everyday! Addison gets a little impatient during the last few minutes of the feedings, I try to keep her entertained as much as possible during these down times. Addison is such a good big sister and it is sweet to watch them together. I will give more of an Addison update on her upcoming 15-18 month post. Brian has been a ton of help with both of the girls! It was such a blessing having him home the week after McKenna was born. I know the girls enjoyed extra time with their Daddy as well. Brian's business is doing great, defiantly keeping him busy, which is good! Brian is an amazing father and is such a blessing to all of his girls. I am doing good as well. My recovery has been easy and I am just enjoying adjusting to my new role as mother of two! I also am LOVING not being pregnant! That was the third best Christmas gift after Jesus and McKenna, haha. I have some weight to lose, but I think it will be easy chasing after a toddler and taking care of my baby. I am still doing contract work for Micross and help Brian with AAC, it is nice to do something different even if it is just a few hours a week. So far it is going good (when everyone is acting right)... much better than I thought. I know there will be high times and low times to come, I am just going to enjoy every minute because it goes by so fast.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Animal Sounds

Finally got a good video of Addison making her animal sounds. We missed the elephant and monkey (her two cutest ones). We were sitting on the couch one night and started naming animals and she would make the appropriate sound. Brian said he did not know she knew all those sounds and I said either did I! This is a good example of how much Addison has learned in school. We have only taught her monkey and tiger, GG taught her the elephant.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Brother's Wedding

One of the most difficult facts about McKenna's due date was that she would be making her appearance around my brother's wedding on December 31st. I was supposed to be a bridesmaid, but had to make the heartbreaking decision to withdraw because of all the uncertainties regarding when McKenna would arrive. For some reason I thought that I would deliver her early because God knew the desires of my heart and He knew I wanted to be at my brothers wedding. But when the due date came, without any indication of labor I was discouraged and came up with a plan B for Addison's care since it would surely overlap with John's wedding. As it turned out my water broke the night of my due date, had an easy delivery, got released from the hospital early, have been blessed with an easy baby who likes to sleep and my recovery was going well, so we decided to go to the rehearsal dinner and wedding!

Mr. & Mrs. John Beeson...

Picture of the ceremony... It was very cold but I can understand why they wanted it outdoors because the venue was beautiful!

The reception was amazing as well! I love the smores station outside, a perfect fit for a winter wedding!

McKenna and Addison had matching outfits...

Addison loved playing and dancing with the camera... I had to apologize to the Bride's parents for all the random pictures my daughter took with several cameras that were on each table at the reception.

Addison had a blast at the wedding! She enjoyed showing off her dance moves (she had the dance floor to herself) and chasing the lights on the ground.

This is one of my favorite facial expressions...She also had a lot of sugar!

The most difficult part of the trip was our hotel stay in Salado. It was difficult getting Addison to sleep because she has never slept in the same room as us. Addison is a restless sleeper and McKenna squeaks and grunts... combine the two and it meant no one slept very well. Addison also woke up when I had to feed McKenna. Needless to say I will do some research the next time we stay at a hotel, maybe a suite will be easier.

We had a great time at the wedding, it is so sweet to see my bother and his wife so happy. It was also great getting to spend time with my family.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Newborn Well Check

One of the conditions of us getting released from the hospital was that we would go see our pediatrician first thing Monday morning. We were happy to oblige!
Here are her stats, she was 2 days old at this visit:
Weight: 6 pounds, 13.8 ounces (45% percentile)
Height: 19 1/4 inches (45% percentile)
Head: 35 1/4 inches (90th percentile)
We think they may have measured her wrong at birth because there is no way she grew a half an inch in 2 days. Dr. Sperling was concerned that she was jaundice. We knew it was a possibility from the blood work done at the hospital. They did more blood work at the office and called later that evening saying she was fine! The other concern here was her weight because she lost more than 5% since birth. We scheduled an appointment on Wednesday for a weight check. At the follow-up appointment she was 7 pounds 3 ounces, so there were no more worries regarding her weight. It looks like we have been blessed with another healthy baby girl! Our next appointment is for her 2 week well check. Below are some pics from the visit.
Getting her head measured...
Measuring her length... Weight check... she was cold... Getting checked out by Dr. Sperling...
I love our pediatrician's office, the staff is so friendly and they really take their time examining your child and answering any questions you may have.
Going to the doctor is exhausting...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Big Sister Gift

One of the suggestions I got regarding introducing the girls was to get Addison a big sister gift from McKenna. While Addison is a bit young to understand the purpose of the gift, I went ahead and did it anyways.

Addison loves her baby doll and loves to push things around, so I thought the perfect gift would be a stroller. She has had fun pushing the stroller around the house. Plus it is something new and it entertains her during McKenna's feedings. GG & Papa got her a baby care set for Christmas that has a pack-n-play, carrier, changing table, bouncer, etc. which makes playing with her dolls even more fun!